The body of Christ is one body with many parts, and we are all called to serve. We are passionate about preaching, teaching, discipleship, outreach, evangelism, and serving others.

God has a special purpose for each of us, and every person matters. We hope CTC can be a place where you can discover, grow, and develop your God-given gifts, skills, and abilities. Whatever those are, we invite you to serve where you’re wired. Check out some of the ministries we have to offer here at CTC.

Choir Ministry

Our in-house choir, the CTC Voices of Praise, loves to sing praises to God. We are currently accepting new members. Please call (510) 430-9864 to leave your name if interested.

“Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands. Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing. Know ye that the LORD he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.” (Psalm 100:1-4). Click here for the latest praise and worship video.

Weekly Food Giveaways

We offer free food giveaways each week to help those in need in our community. We do this because we believe this is after God’s heart, that we should feed the hungry, and give drinks to those who are thirsty. This is one way we show love to those around us.

Click for latest Outreach Photos

Sharing & Caring Ministry

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.” – Matthew 25: 35-40,

Our ministry reaches out to those who are unable to attend church services due to being in nursing homes, hospitals, or homebound due to illness or infirmity. We do nursing home visitation once monthly, where we have prayer, sing songs of praise, and bring a message of hope from God’s Word. We also send cards to the sick and shut-ins to encourage their hearts and let them know we care about them, and that God is able to heal and comfort them. All are welcome to participate in the Sharing & Caring Ministry. Please contact Dr. Shirley Tucker-Harris for more information at [email protected]. May the Lord bless and keep you!

Children & Youth Ministry

Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” (Luke 18:16)

We offer children and youth ministry for kids and youth ages 0 – 18. We provide a fun, nurturing environment where children can grow and learn about the Bible. We have Children’s Sunday school every 4th Sunday of the month. We also have various kids and youth outings throughout the year, such as visits to Youth conferences, Great America, picnics at the park, fishing trips, and more.

Street Evangelism

We seek to share the Good News of Jesus Christ every where we go. We do this through weekly door-to-door ministry in our neighborhood and sharing the Gospel at various community events. Through conversations in driveways that lead to relationships, worship songs sung in public parks, and sharing scriptures in the context of everyday life we hope to plant seeds that will lead people to Jesus.

Donating to local schools in our neighbordhood

We want to help our local Oakland community so we donate to help our local schools get the goods and supplies they need.  We are a service oriented church. Everybody can serve.

Free Health Services & Community Events

We often offer free health services and host local community events, thanks to some of our church members who are in the medical professions. It is our joy to provide these services such as blood-pressure check-ups and consultations free of charge.

Young Adults Ministry

We want to see our young people seeking after Jesus. We offer Young Adult church services and other discipleship opportunities. For those young adults who are interested in ministry, we also help develop their leadership skills by giving them responsibilities in the church so they can grow in ministry.

Preparing Masks for the Community

During the COVID-19 crisis, we wanted to do as much as we can to help our community. We hand-sewed masks and delivered them to a local nursing home in Oakland, CA. 

Hospitality Ministry

We have a very dedicated hospitality ministry here that loves to serve. Our hosts love preparing quality meals like you’d eat at home — fried chicken, macaroni and cheese, salad, tacos, you name it! The funds from our hospitality ministry go to help other ministries and grow our church. This ministry also brings us closer together as a community so we can grow our church.

Sunday School